Throughout the past decade of ICA Nepal’s subsistence, there have been many organizations and individuals with whom we have worked in collaboration. Among them some organizations and groups that we have been associated with for a long period of time and some that are in the process of long term association. These organizations have been greatly supportive in the successful running of ICA Nepal. As a coalition in community works or as a target group for our community projects, ICA Nepal has come across wonderful groups and organizations.
In the last 22 years, various donors; both organizations and individuals have contributed to ICA Nepal’s efforts, enabling it to implement various development activities in Nepal. Some of the major partners are MISEREOR, Katholisch Zentralstelle fur Entwicklungshilfe e. V., Germany, TUC, Jean Houston Foundation, International Association of Social Artistry, Global Forest Coalition (GFC), Poverty Alleviation Fund (PAF)/ World Bank, The American Foundation, USA, Association for International Co-operation of Agriculture and Forestry (AICAF), Japan, CARITAS Nepal, HaëllaStichting, Holland, ICA Japan, KNCF Japan, Washi Art Group, Japan, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), Japan, Rabobank Foundation, Holland, Vision Trust, USA, USAID/ MSH, Global Fund, UNDP etc.
ICA Nepal has worked with several organizations through training or carrying out research and development work. Some of the major organizations that we have worked with in the past are Poverty Alleviation Fund/ World Bank, DFID (RAP), RNDP (ADB), NARMSAP, GIZ, The National Trust, INF, Swiss Development Cooperation, International Trachoma Initiative (ITI)/ NTP, Nepal Trust for Nature Conservation, United Nations Development Program (UNDP), CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation, UNAIDS, UNDP, UN – HABITAT, Save the Children Fund Alliance, Third Livestock Development Project/ ADB, Bagmati Integrated Watershed Management Program (EU), PUCD/ FAO, Management Sciences for Health – MSH/ USAID, National Centre for AIDS and STD Control, Practical Action (ITDG – UK and Nepal), School of Environmental Management and Sustainable Development (SchEMS), Association of District Development Committee of Nepal (ADDCN), Volunteer Services Overseas (VSO), Nepal Water for Health (NEWAH), Britain Nepal Medical Trust (BNMT), NANGAN, FHI 360, HC3/ USAID, Mercy Corps, UMN, Action Aid, University of Agricultural Sciences, Vienna, Kathmandu Metropolitan Corporation, Integrated Human Development Organization, Bangladesh, Concern Bangladesh, Environment and Public Health Organization (ENPHO), Handicap International, Room to Read, DAV school, Southwestern State College, SMDI, Nepal Tailoring and Cloth Merchant Association, BB Trust,Theravada, Japan, ADRA Nepal etc